Lonergan Rd in Middleton
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Undevelopable Industrial Land owned by RICHARDSON GREEN INC - 0 LONERGAN RD
Vacant, Selectmen Or City Council, Other City Or Town (Municipal) owned by DANVERS TOWN OF - 0 LONERGAN RD
Vacant, Conservation (Municipal Or County) owned by MIDDLETON TOWN OF - 14 LONERGAN RD
Auto Repair Facilities owned by 14 LONERGAN ROAD LLC - 18 LONERGAN RD
Warehouses For Storage Of Manufactured Products owned by VINING JASON M - 21 LONERGAN RD
Buildings For Manufacturing Operations owned by AUTO BODY BUILDERS RLTY LLC - 22 LONERGAN RD
Auto Repair Facilities owned by JC RLTY LLC - 25 LONERGAN RD
Other Outdoor Facilities - E.g. Driving Ranges, Miniature Golf, Baseball Batting Ranges, Etc... (Not Ch. 61b) owned by FIVE H LLC - 26 LONERGAN RD
Auto Repair Facilities owned by MURPHY THOMAS V TR - 30 LONERGAN RD
Undevelopable Industrial Land owned by LONERGAN ROAD THIRTY LLC - OFF LONERGAN RD
Undevelopable Commercial Land owned by RICHARDSON GREEN INC